Keeping your data safe, that's how Artwork Connect does it!

13 Oct

Information security is an important priority. Data about customers and processes
Of course, you need to protect yourself with the utmost care.
Everyone knows that a hack can result in enormous (financial and image) damage. Data is unreachable and processes come to a standstill. So how are you going to ensure that the packaging process does not come to a standstill?

We could write a very technical story, but maybe you just want to know what?
Artwork Connect secures your data. Is your data well protected and can you always work with it whenever you want? We are going to explain that to you below.


You always want to have secure access to your data when it's needed.
That's why you want your data to be stored securely.

Artwork Connect data is stored in the Cloud in Western Europe.
Cloud storage is far more secure than you might think. This is because you send your data over a secure connection to a data center (which is about as secure as Fort Knox). Multiple copies of your data are kept and such data centers use the best antivirus software.

As a user, you can also do a lot yourself to handle your data safely. By default, Artwork Connect includes strong password testing, 2 Factor Authentication and personal login. As an organization, you can decide who to give you access and what role you give it.

Does your organization use Single Sign-On (SSO)? Then you can connect Artwork Connect to it, so you can still work with 1 login.

As a software supplier, you will of course be tested whether your security protocol works as you say it works. Artwork Connect is therefore regularly subjected to a so-called PEN test. A vulnerability test to see if the system can be broken into. The security guidelines that we use meet the requirements for the safe development of the software.
And the certifications required for appropriate information security are carefully tested by the parties that Artwork Connect works with. Artwork Connect is also AVG compliant. Compliance with the rules surrounding the General Data Protection Regulation is monitored.

In addition, with a Service Level Agreement agreement, it is clear to both parties what you can expect from the service.


Because your data is stored in the Cloud, you can continue to work in the event of a failure/disaster. There is a special backup procedure for this so that your data remains accessible at all times.

And if many colleagues are working with the data at the same time, you don't want the system to be overloaded.

In addition, Artwork Connect offers the possibility to conclude a so-called Escrow agreement. Simply put, Artwork Connect thus guarantees that if Artwork Connect no longer provides services as a company, you will have working software for a long time. Think of it as a good warranty arrangement.


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