Consumer trends in food retail are changing

13 Mar

Consumer demand in the food retail sector has changed significantly in recent years. Instead of just paying attention to the price and quality of food products, consumers are now more interested in aspects such as sustainability, health and convenience.

As a result, specialty stores and supermarkets must change their approach to meet this demand. Creativity is increasingly important to keep attracting and engaging consumers.

What trends do we see?

  • Sustainable and/or organic products
    Consumers are increasingly valuing the environment and want to reduce their environmental footprint. The emphasis here is increasingly on local, artisanal and sustainably produced food.
  • More convenience
    People are busier than ever. That's why they're willing to pay for time savings. Consumers are more likely to buy ready-to-eat, “on the go”, pre-cut, meal packages or have groceries delivered to their homes.
  • Fair and transparent
    In line with the increasing demand for sustainable products, there is also more interest in the origin of products. In addition, consumers are becoming increasingly aware of the ingredients used in products.
  • Personalised shopping
    With the rise of big data and artificial intelligence, specialty stores and supermarkets can make personalized recommendations based on customers' buying behavior. For example, consider Albert Heijn's Personal Bonus.
  • Experience
    Consumers aren't just looking for food, they're also looking for an experience. For example, stores will organize tastings or set up events around certain products.
  • Technology
    Technology is playing an increasingly important role in the food chain. This includes online ordering and delivery services, smart refrigerators that keep track of what foods are in the house and smart packaging that prevents food waste.

These consumer trends have an impact on the entire food chain. Food producers, distributors, supermarkets and restaurants must take this into account and respond to this changing demand.

They must continue to develop new products that meet consumers' needs and find innovative ways to manufacture, package, distribute and sell these products.

For now, sustainability and health also seem important for consumers in the coming years. We're keeping an eye on the trends!


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