Packaging tells the story of your brand and product. Through the packaging, you communicate what the brand stands for and what consumers can expect from the product. Packaging contributes to consumers' brand experience and is an essential part of brand communication.
The appearance of the product is not only important in physical stores. Nowadays, online shopping is an integral part of our daily lives. The number of consumers who also shop online continues to grow. Consumers use online shopping not only to order, but also mainly to see what the offers are, make shopping lists or look up product information.
Product images are an absolute must for online communication. As many as 93% of consumers say that the product image is essential for their final purchase decision. A pack shot can be taken by photographing the existing product, making a 3D render, or using a combination of photography and digital artwork. The product image must comply with GS1 requirements. By meeting the GS1 requirements, you know that the image can be used on any sales platform.
A relatively new form of product images are the Mobile Ready Hero Images, or Hero's for short. These are optimized packshots for small screens, such as mobile and tablet. Certain brand elements or product features can be enlarged so that they are clearly visible even on a small screen. By removing extra elements, you ensure that consumers see at a glance which brand, product, taste and quantity are involved.
After packshots and/or Hero's have been taken, you naturally want all images to be visible everywhere. It's a shame if an old version is still around somewhere or an image of much worse quality is created by the sales platform. Artwork Connect helps you keep an overview of the available images. You always have the latest version at hand and you can easily share the right files with the right people. There is even a possibility to create API links to distribute product images.
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